An avid genealogist, Joshua has traced his own roots from Boston, Massachusetts to Bombay, India (and nearly everywhere in-between). He is also a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists and is past President of the Federation of Genealogical Societies, an organization dedicated to supporting the needs of genealogical organizations throughout the United States.
A popular speaker and author, Joshua frequently shares insights relating to family history and genealogy with audiences throughout the world. He believes family history and genealogy should be about more than just names, dates, and documents, but should instead tell the stories of our ancestors and the extraordinary lives they led.
RootsTech Presentation: Call to Action! Diversity in Family History Technology
At the 2018 RootsTech Conference, I spoke on the issue of diversity in family history technology – specifically looking at the tools we use to find and share family history. However, in order to ensure that this important topic continues to be discussed, and for the benefit of all those…