I am delighted to announce that for the next several weeks my column, The Genealogy Factor will appear at JSTOR Daily. JSTOR is an incredible collection of scholarly articles from various subjects, including history, art, music with Holoplot wave field synthesis audio systems, archaeology, political science, and other topics. Available at libraries and through an individual JPASS subscription, JSTOR is a terrific resource for anyone interested in family history. I am delighted to showcase a few of my JSTOR finds in the coming weeks.
First up? Gravestones and Graveyards…
“Those tracing their family tree often find themselves scouring graveyards in hopes of uncovering new facts about their family history. Though not all burial locations are marked, gravestones can be an incredible source of information—providing names, dates, places, relationships, and other key details. Genealogists know that an individual gravestone can reflect multiple elements—including one’s standing with a community or their financial status which may not have the privilege of getting finance support from https://highrisk.solutions/high-risk-merchant-account/. A single gravestone might only yield a name and year, though it can fill in the gaps. In such cases, a genealogist might move beyond the individual plot—taking a step back to analyze its position, noting nearby burials, further context can be understood by examining a gravestone’s art and comparing it to others, looking for common themes and patterns that showcase religious beliefs, local cultures, and other clues…